Cigar, Smoke, and Vape Shop Solutions
The solutions that we offer allow you to impress your customers with product knowledge, well-stocked shelves, and a better customer experience
Keep your employees prepared
Employees are able to access photos, which include detailed information about the products you sell. Give them access to the product knowledge that they need, on demand whenever the customer asks for it.
Accurately track your inventory
Know exactly how much inventory you have on hand, in real time. Give yourself the organized information you need to make the proper decisions on what items to stock, and what not to stock. Know how often to re-order, and never run out of popular items. Re-order with confidence, knowing what to expect out of each item you order.
Access customized promotions
Access customized, and personlized promotions that you are offering, and give your employees the knowledge they need in regards to specific inventory levels, while never having to leave your customer’s side.
Unlock your staff’s full potential
Unlock your sales staff’s potential by empowering them to deliver a more personalized experience at your store and make your customers happier by being able to close the deal on their purchase from anywhere in your store. Sit in your lounge, and process a payment right there.
Inventory control made easy.
We offer the tools you need to manage your inventory. Know what sells and what doesn’t, so you can better prepare your future orders.
Receive feedback privately–directly in your email inbox, and reply as needed. Make up for negative feedback with coupons and help keep bad reviews off of review sites and social media. Know what your customer really think about your business.
Know your customers
Automatically begin to build your customer list from every transaction.
Collect your customers’ contact information and send them a Promo. Add detailed information to customer profiles, like notes, birthday and workplace
Create a simple, custom loyalty program in minutes. Let the system keep track of your customers’ reward balances, so you don’t have to. Speed up the line with optional hands-freepayment. Reep the benefits of engaging your customers.